So far, I was so happy I was not caught up with the leaky nose everyone was having these days. But it seems I couldn’t prevent it for long. I am a delayed ‘seasonal viral’ catcher. I delayed fetching my winter wear enough to deserve it I guess.
One thing I am sure about no matter how many comments you get about your voice sounding sweeeeeeT… It is HOORRRRR…………………………………(wait for it)………………………………….IBBLE!!!!
This is my recovery ideal. But about the cold, it’s like molten cheese at different temperatures flowing through your ‘ENT’ all the time. Sleeping is a hard part when all of this is happening to you. Even the dreams are fluidic! And after a few minutes of sleep you feel like everything is going to be ok for the rest of the night, one has to change their posture to open up one’s nose or to get rid of that heavy feeling of your ear getting blocked.
And without any doubts, these feelings of cold… I HATE!!!!!!!!!!